Monday, 13 December 2010

Project Ideas

After a lot of thought, I think my favourite 3 ideas for the project are

1.   The Classroom

2.  The Museum

3.  The Toy Shop


  1. I really like the museum idea, not seen it done before in this project and it could have bags of atmosphere. Could be very like the haunting in that respect.

  2. Interim Online Review 14/12/2010

    Hey Prof...

    Have you recovered from your surfeit of surrealism yet? These last few movies are definitely 'subjective' and all about putting audiences through an experience. I hope, on an intellectual level, at least - you can admire the art of the filmmakers...

    Okay - 3 thumbnails, 3 choices. Jordan likes the museum; indeed, it could work very nicely, though, in truth, it could slip very easily in the gothic and Romantic traditions - especially if you go for the archways etc. It would indeed be very atmospheric, but would it truly trigger 'strangeness' or nascent alarm?

    For every museum that looks like this:

    there are those that look like this:

    You might want to do a bit of research around 'sick building syndrome' for a way beyond the gothic. I suggest you simply do more visual research around 'museums' before making your decision.

    The toyshop is potentially very effective - and for obvious reasons - the class room too. Again, I suggest that now, in order to filter out your ideas, you simply get stuck into images - try and avoid cliched thinking and genre tropes (unless you're using them to nudge your audience). You might consider being era specific as a means of finding an effective visual language: i.e. 1960's toy shop, or 1920's classroom and culture specific (an English toyshop) - anything to stop you thinking (and then modelling) generically when the time comes.

  3. I guess what I'm saying here is, as yet, there's no clear conceptual winner; your challenge now is to develop a very strong idea on how to turn a promising idea into 'the' idea. More research required, methinks!

    Regarding your unit 3 essay - yes, robots and the uncanny (valley) is a greenlight - follow the link and get stuck in:
